GX Assay Kit

INTENDED USE: The GX Assay Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use for the measurement of Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in blood specimens. Hemoglobin A1c measurements are used in the clinical management of diabetes to assess the long-term efficacy of diabetic control. The GX Assay Kit is designed exclusively for use with the Tosoh Automated Glycohemoglobin Analyzer HLC-723GX.
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Glycohemoglobin (GHb) is a general term for complexes where the whole blood glucose is non-enzymatically bound to the α or β -chains of human hemoglobin. Within these complexes, HbA1c which is a complex of glucose and the N-terminus of the β-chain, is the most prevalent. HbA1c is non-enzymatically synthesized in two steps. In first step labile HbA1c (L-A1c) is formed and in the second step, stable HbA1c (s-A1c) is formed. Due to the fact that L-A1c (the intermediate product of this reaction) changes rapidly in response to the changes in whole blood glucose concentrations, s-A1c is used to measure HbA1c . It provides the best indication of average glucose levels over the most recent 1 to 3 month period because it does not fluctuate in response to physiological factors. The HLC-723GX is featured by quick separation of L-A1c and s-A1c on the column (2.2 min), with no need for sample treatment when assaying s-A1c.

Principle: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Time: 2.2 minutes
Kit contents: GX Elution Buffer No. 1
GX Elution Buffer No. 2
GX Elution Buffer No. 3
GX Hemolysis & Wash Solution
Printer Paper
Filter Element
Related components: Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator Set
Hemoglobin A1c Control
*Please refer to the product Instruction-For-Use (IFU) for complete details.